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DR PRP Tubes 20cc 30cc

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Dr PRP

Dr PRP 20cc (box of 10)

Dr PRP 30cc (box of 8)

Experience the next generation of medical innovation state of the art Dr PRP kit.
A Versatile Patented Dr PRP System for safe and effective regenerative therapy making treatment simpler and far more effective for you.
Make sure our PRP tube is suitable for your centrifuge, check measurements on a picture.
Your centrifuge holder slots must be at least 29 mm wide

Our clients: Private hospitals, Medical universities, GB teams,
Biomedical companies, Pharmaceutical companies,
Sports clinics, Ultrasound guided joint injection clinics, 
Hair implant clinics, Beauty clinics, Harley street clinics.

Designed and made in S Korea since 2009, in the UK since 2014

PRP kit used with PRP Centrifuge


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Why use a Dr PRP kit?

In preparing PRP, whole blood has to be centrifuged into three layers based on their density levels. The middle layer, which is called the buffy coat, has the highest concentration of platelets. A specialised PRP kit should be capable of separating this layer clean from the other two layers. PRP, in its most ideal form, has a low red blood cell count and a very high platelet-to-plasma ratio. PRP that has been prepared with a conventional PRP kit is usually red in color because it has a higher concentration of red blood cells. Dr PRP kit, on the other hand, is highly capable of separating red blood cells from the buffy coat and indeed produces the most ideal PRP.  

How to prepare Dr PRP

Product Introduction

Dr PRP is a medical device exclusively designed for PRP separation. Highly concentrated platelets by Dr PRP kit release a large amount of growth factors which are normally inside the platelets.
The large amount of released growth factors includes the therapy of damaged connective tissue rapidly and robustly, these growth factors may lead to stable regeneration of the damaged area by collecting the cells capable of wound therapy induction.

  • Compatible with common centrifuge
  • Easy separation due to single tube use.
  • Highly concentrated PRP extraction by centrifuging twice.
  • Elimination of contamination due to the double O-ring interference fit.
  • Easy identification of the Buffy coat layer by naked eye.
  • Highly counted number of the platelets.

Product Features


Dr PRP Kit uses biocompatibility certified materials and the parts undergo gamma-ray sterilization according to ISO 13485 standards.

One Step - Simplicity

Contamination from surrounding air during the concentration of platelets is blocked by adopting the one-Kit
system and double safety cap. Dr PRP ensure zero contamination from surrounding air during the separation process.

Speed & Convenience

The Buffy coat layer can be easily and accurately identified by naked eye so you’ll have precise sample of highly concentrated PRP.

Seperation details


PRP (“Platelet Rich Plasma”) is nothing but autologous blood with concentrations of platelets above baseline levels and contain at least seven growth factors. Normal blood contains only 6% platelets. However, in PRP, there is a concentration of 94% platelets, which translates to a powerful growth factor “cocktail” with a variety of growth factors and cytokines. This stimulates cellular proliferation and tissue regeneration to dramatically accelerate healing.

And since the platelets come from the patient’s own blood, there is absolutely no possibility of infection or other side effects. The only precaution you need to take is to stop any anti-inflammatory medications while administering PRP.

Although blood is mainly a liquid (called plasma), it also contains small solid components (red cells, white cells, and platelets.) The platelets are best known for their importance in clotting blood. However, platelets also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors which are very important in the healing of injuries.

PRP is plasma with many more platelets than what is typically found in blood. The concentration of platelets and, thereby, the concentration of growth factors can be 5 to 10 times greater (or richer) than usual.

To develop a PRP preparation, blood must first be drawn from a patient. The platelets are separated from other blood cells and their concentration is increased during a process called centrifugation. Then the increased concentration of platelets is combined with the remaining blood.

Growth Factors In Platelets

Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF-aa, PDGF-ab, PDGF-bb)

  • Stimulates cell replication
  • Promotes angiogenesis
  • Promotes epithelialization
  • Promotes granulation tissue formation

Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-ß1, TGF-ß2)

  • Promotes formation of extracellular matrix
  • Regulates bone cellmetabolism

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)

  • Promotes angiogenesis

Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)

  • Promotes cell differentiation and stimulates
  • Re-epithelialisation, angiogenesis and collagenase activity

Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)

  • Promotes proliferation of endothelial cells and fibroblasts
  • Stimulation of angiogenesis

How is PRP used? : General Uses of PRP Therapy

Platelets release growth factors, which are responsible for almost all repair processes that occur in the body.

Treatment with platelet-rich plasma holds great promise in a wide variety of healthcare needs. The success of PRP can be contributed to the fact that with PRP, there are almost no side-effects like infection, tissue damage or nerve injuries that are associated with similar treatments.

How To Use Dr PRP 

In a 20 cc syringe take 2 cc of 
anticoagulant, then draw 18 cc
of blood from the subject.
(final volume 20 cc)

Inject the drawn blood to Dr PRP
kit through the upper injenction
port until the blood level reaches
the 20 cc scale marked on the kit. 
(For easier injection, tilt the Kit)

Separate the plasma layer and red
blood cell (RBC) layer by the first 
centrifugation. (Prior to
centrifugation balance the
weight of the Kit with

After the first centrifugation,
identify the separation position
of the plasma and the RBC layer.
Then adjust the height of the
separated boundaryto the
indicated point by pushing
up or pulling down the
adjusting knob located at
lower part of the Kit.
(If the volume of the plasma
layer or separation is not quite
well-done, additional
centrifugation may be done for
about 2 min at same RCF)

In order to block the plasma and
the RBC layer completely, fasten
the adjusting knob (clockwise)
located at the lower part of the
Kit. Then fasten the valve
(clockwise) just above the
adjsuting knob. Finaly fasten
the adjusting knob clockwise
again. (check video)


Put the fastened PRP Kit to the
centrifuge with counterbalance
for the second centrifugation to
enrich the concentrated platelet.


Place the PRP Kit in upright
position with the care in order
to prevent mixing of the
separated PRP and PPP.
Then open the upper silicone
lid on the Kit.
Using10 cc syringe with a
long needle(> 5 cm) take
out the PRP layer slowly
from the upper part leaving
4 cc at the lawer part.

Shake and mix the remaining
4 cc of PRP layer.
Than administrate the PRP.


A video on how to use Dr PPR 

Orthopedic Healing

The platelets in PRP accelerates repair and strengthens damaged tissues naturally. By invoking the patient’s inflammation response, PRP allows fast healing without the significant risks of surgery, joint replacement, or other invasive procedures.

Here’s a list of conditions that can be treated with PRP:

  • Plantar Fasciitis, sports ligament injuries, frozen shoulder, chronic elbow inflammation.
  • Recovery from postoperative pain, damaged shoulder rotator cuff, tendon injury.
  • Achilles tendinitis, chondromalacia patellae, ligament injury of ankle, cartilage damage, degenerative arthritis, etc.

Dr PRP is used to prepare PRP for musculoskeletal treatment


  • Shoulder: Frozen shoulder, damaged shoulder rotator cuff, cartilage damage, degenerative arthritis
  • Elbow: Chronic elbow inflammation, tennis elbow, degenerative arthritis
  • Hand: Chronic inflammation, degenerative arthritis, cartilage damage, ligament injuries
  • Hip: Chronic hip inflammation, degenerative arthritis, cartilage damage, tendon injury
  • Foot: Plantar fasciïtis, achilles tendinitis, ligament injury of ankle, cartilage damage, degenerative arthritis, sports ligament injuries
  • Knee: Recovery from postoperative pain, chondromalacia patellae, cartilage damage, degenerative arthritis, tendon injury, recovery from postoperative ACL reconstruction

Muscles - All sports muscle injuries (acute administering within 48h), chronic pain

Tendons -All chronic tendon injuries

Ligaments - All ligament injuries, recovery from postoperative ligament reconstruction

Pseudarthrosis - Temporomandibular joint

Pain Management

The goal of PRP in pain management is to reduce or eliminate pain through healing. The platelets in PRP release growth factors that play a vital role in bone healing. Growth factors include Platelet-derived Growth Factor, Transforming Growth Factor-β, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as well as several others. Up to 7 types of growth factors as well as cytokines can be found in PRP.

Healing Soft-tissue Injuries

PRP injection is exceptionally effective in treating acute soft-tissue injuries or chronic tendinopathy like acute Achilles tendon repair, rotator cuff repair, acute ligament injury, muscle injury, and meniscal repair. PRP stimulates a healing cascade in the broken ligaments, tendons and muscle cartilages, in some cases even bone regeneration. Of course, the best part is, PRP treatments neither require extended stays in hospitals nor a prolonged recovery stage.

Dr PRP is used to prepare PRP for aesthetical treatment

Wrinkle improvement

  • Fine wrinkles
  • Eye wrinkles
  • Wrinkles around the mouth
  • Forehead wrinkles

Skin pores and elasticity

  • Reduction of skin pore size
  • Improvement in skin elesticity
  • Improvement in skin tone

Skin pigmentation disorders

  • Skin whitening against hyper-pigmentation such as freckles
  • Skin blemish

Other applications

  • Chapped skin
  • Burn wounds
  • Dark circles
  • Wound healing

In combination with

PRP + IPL therapy

  • Eliminate Freckles
  • Reduce Fine Lines
  • Blemish Removal

PRP + Fraxel system

  • Eliminate Pores
  • Reduce Fine Lines
  • Wrinkle Repair

PRP + Fat grafting

  • Forehead Augmetation
  • Cheek Augmentation
  • Breast transplants

PRP + MTS System

  • Eliminate Pores
  • Reduce Fine Lines
  • Anti-Aging Repair

PRP + Thread lift

  • Faster recovery
  • Less brusing

Dr PRP is used to prepare PRP for gynaecological treatments

  • Vulvovaginal atrophy
  • Vulvar dermatoses: lichen sclerosis, lichen simplex, zoon vulvitis, eczema
  • Unspecific vulvitis
  • Pain in the episiorraphy
  • Vulvodynia
  • Cervical ectopy
  • Wounds and ulcers of difficult healing
  • Genitourinary fistulas
  • Gynecological surgery: pre-, per-, postoperative treatment
  • Cesarian section
  • Reproductive medicine
  • Sexual dysfunction : G-shot – O-shot
  • Fertility problems (I.V.F. – Ovaria)
  • Persistant endo- en exocervicitis
  • Sexual rejuvenation

Dr PRP is used to prepare PRP for hair improvement

Hair improvement

  • Stimulating lost hair follicles
  • Growing a thicker, fuller and healthier hair strand

In combination with

PRP is used before and after a hair transplantation for a better end result

Customer Reviews

I am really happy with the PRP tubes, they worked a treat, I will be ordering more soon. Thanks
Shana, Liverpool, 2016

I recently purchased Dr PRP kits and centrifuge from SDD Medical Ltd. I was very satisfied with the purchase and delivery process which was smooth and timely.
I have now been using the kits and should say extremely happy with the practical side of them. Easy to use and the harvest a seems to be high as you can tell by the response to treatments so far.
City Skin Clinic, Cardiff, January 2017
Update June 2017:
We are very happy with your Dr PRP kits, we are receiving offers from other distributors, but we prefer
Dr PRP kits quality.

Absolutely brilliant product and the manager of SDD Medical goes out of his way to be incredibly helpful and supportive. I have had great results within clinic using Dr PRP and would highly recommend it to other practitioners using regenerative medicine.
Huge recommendation for company and product. 
The Undercroft Clinic, 2019


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  • SDD Medical Group Ltd,
    Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0XZ
Registered in England & Wales Company No.11145662
Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0XZ

Please note that all information contained on this website or provided by our team is for reference purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice or medical opinion.
We always recommend consulting a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

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