SDD Air Cervical DecompressionRecommended for:
SDD Neck comes in a universal size. SDD Air Neck is light and easy to use, ambulatory traction collar helps to reduce pressure within the cervical spine using an innovative longitudinal expansion system. The expandable cervical decompression collar (rear section), along with the fixed chin collar (front section), reduces disc pressure within the cervical spine effectively eliminating pain. The process is simple: by increasing the intervertebral disc space, pressure applied on the nerve root is relieved, thereby, eliminating pain while assisting active-rehabilitation. Spinal decompression reveals promising results for the future, and effective management of patients with all types of disc disease and spinal injuries.
Customer ReviewsNeck Testimonials We currently use the neck traction collar device Disk Dr Neck CS300 on our patients with either disc herniation and / or degenerative arthritis. The collar allows the joints to open up and stretch gently so that we can progress their treatment in both acute and chronic cases. I also prescribe it to patients to use in between their sessions as a home treatment to help "hold" their changes and improve their recovery time, patients always finding that their range of motion improves after proper continued use. Firstly I'd like to say how Impressed I am with the quality of the product Disk Dr Neck. I've shown it to a number of people who are also very impressed by the solidity and manufacturing quality of the Disk Dr. Neck, and also the thought that went into the design. I bought the neck traction collar to use when I am touring as it is small and practical to carry with me. I have herniated disc C6/C7 and the specialists say I qualify for surgery because the nerve is acute. I have been resting for several months and to be honest, the only relief I get is after traction with Disk Dr Neck. Thank you to Roland for your help and guidance. I had been suffering with chronic neck pain more than 6 months. Visited GP few times and was prescribed pain killers every time. I knew this was not a permanent solution. Since I could not see any solution I kept quiet and suffered in silence. I was diagnosed of having a cervical disc herniation. The MRI tells it all: a very bad one in such a way that 3 neurosurgeons agreed that a surgical intervention may be needed imminently. I tried the physiotherapy but I wasn't that much of help. I heard about a traction device for the neck. I was convinced with its scientific justification so I bought Disk Dr Neck CS300. In the first week, numbness was reduced remarkably. After two weeks, I had no numbness nor tingling. I was using it for 30 minutes twice a day. I'm using it now as a preventive treatment only. Thank you SDD Medical Group for the effective products and superb customer service you provide especially after sales. Disk Dr Neck did help reduce the tension in my neck and help with pain reduction. I have now been able to stop taking the painkillers and muscle relaxing tablets. "This is a fantastic bit of kit, delivered promptly by the vendor. The first week of use I noticed how much more relaxed my neck muscles were, returning ease of mobility of movement. My symptoms have eased on many fronts - neuralgia in face, shoulders, scalp, tinnitus, swallowing, eye strain, strain while talking, strain headaches". |