Core Technology Working Principal

XFT-2001E Foot Drop System is intended to address the lack of ankle dorsiflexion in patients who have sustained
damage to upper motor neurons or pathways to the spinal cord. During the swing phase of walking, the XFT-2001E
electrically stimulates the appropriate muscles that cause ankle dorsiflexion and may thus improve the individual's gait.
Medical benefits of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) may include prevention/retardation of disuse
atrophy, increased local blood flow, muscle reeducation, and maintained or increased joint range of motion.
Functional electrical stimulation
FES uses small electrical impulses to stimulate contractions in muscles that have lost nerve control to restore lost or impaired function.
Restoration of the neuromotor function
Long-term repetitive motion info is sent to the central nervous system, forming an excitation trace in the cerebral cortex for brain to restore neuromotor function.
APP control
Equipped with an app and adopted the cutting-edge "XFT Cloud" technology,